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Competitive Solicitation Requirements Policy 215.02
Johnson County Community College
Series: 200 Administrative Service
Section: Purchasing and Contracts

Applicability: This Policy applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) purchases made using College Funds, as defined in Purchasing Policy 215.01.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that purchases are administered in a manner that maximizes open and free competition by using the following solicitation methods unless otherwise provided for by College policy.


“Requests for Quotations” or “RFQs” refer to requests made to potential vendors to establish pricing and terms and conditions under which a vendor offers to provide the goods or services sought by the College. RFQs may be solicited informally via email, fax, mail, written documentation, or verbally.

“Requests for Bids” or “RFBs” refer to announcements that the College intends to purchase goods or services and include an invitation for potential vendors to submit a response outlining the pricing and terms and conditions under which a vendor offers to provide such goods or services. RFBs may be invitation-only or open to the public and bids may be solicited in sealed or unsealed format.

“Requests for Proposals” or “RFPs” refer to announcements that the College intends to purchase goods or services and include an invitation for potential vendors to submit a response outlining the pricing, terms and conditions, vendor qualifications and manner in which a vendor offers to provide the goods or services. RFPs are utilized when the College determines that the nature and complexity of the goods or services to be acquired require detailed proposals rather than quotations or bids.


When procuring goods or services, the following dollar thresholds, based on the estimated total transaction amount, shall serve as guidelines for the minimum requirements of competition and for the Board of Trustees review and approval prior to committing the College. Exceptions to the requirements for seeking competitive solicitations are defined in Purchasing Exceptions to Competitive Solicitation Policy 215.04.

  1. $0.00 - $9,999.99 - Selection of potential vendors may be made by unrestricted open-market processes in a manner that maximizes value to the College. While competitive solicitations are not required, necessary steps should be taken to ensure price reasonableness.
  2. $10,000.00 – $49,999.99 - Quotations or proposals will be requested from three (3) or more qualified sources. A director over Procurement Services may select a vendor without verifying three (3) or more qualified sources if current market conditions provide evidence of competitiveness or price reasonableness. The College shall have the option to purchase at the unit or contract prices stated in current cooperative contracts established by purchasing cooperatives that are deemed to be in the College's best interest..
  3. $50,000.00 and above – Formal, sealed RFBs or RFPs shall be solicited from at least three (3) qualified sources. Such RFBs or RFPs shall be advertised via the College’s eProcurement website and in the College’s approved newspaper(s) at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled bid opening. Alternatively, the College shall have the option to purchase at the unit or contract prices stated in current cooperative contracts established by purchasing cooperatives that are deemed to be in the College’s best interest. For awards with an estimated total contract amount of $150,000.00 and above, after appropriate administrative evaluation for the purchase of goods or services, a recommendation for approval shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees prior to the issuance of a purchase order or execution of a contract or agreement.

Awards following competitive solicitation shall be made to the lowest qualified bidder(s) meeting specifications unless it is determined not to be in the College’s best interest. The selection by the College of any vendor will be at the College's sole discretion.

Nothing contained herein shall preclude the College from negotiating with the lowest qualified bidder, issuing change orders modifying any bid received, or from rejecting any and all bids.

In the event other criteria are equal, the purchase will be made from the vendor that provides the best services to the College or best meets the College’s needs. Preference may be given, when quality and price are comparable, to the purchase of goods or services offered by vendors with offices or plants located in Johnson County, Kansas.

Date of Adoption: 07/06/1982
Revised: 07/01/1988, 07/10/1989, 07/02/1992, 06/22/1992, 03/03/1994, 06/20/2002, 09/15/2005, 09/18/2008, 07/19/2012, 08/16/2018 (Previous version: Competitive Solicitation Methods Policy 215.03, last revised 07/19/2012), 07/20/2023
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